Quarantine Consultants

Local Knowledge, Global Capabilities

Customs Biosecurity - Quarantine - DAWR

As part of our border clearance solutions, our highly skilled consultants can provide expert Quarantine Biosecurity Clearance Services

Australia's unique global positioning and isolation allows us to enjoy many economic advantages - including relative freedom from foreign pests and diseases. But our future prosperity depends largely on responsible importing practices.

As such, quarantine biosecurity is a heavily regulated and legislated area in Australia - and from what we are observing, it's likely to get even more complex with targeted intervention by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) and the Australian Border Force (ABF).

This means, if your supply chain is not planned well, you may be putting yourself at risk of frequent inspections and audits that significantly delay - and increase the cost - of landing your goods ready for distribution.

3DL Customs & Consulting is a DAWR Biosecurity accredited wholesale customs clearance consultancy. Based on our decades of experience working across all facets of quarantine biosecurity in Australia, with us you can rest assured you are meeting all your legal obligations, and your goods are cleared quickly and efficiently.

From compliance audits to compliance advice, Quarantine Management Plans and more - our expert quarantine consultants are here to help.

Biosecurity Facilitation & Consulting Specialists

Our biosecurity facilitation and consulting services include:

Approved Arrangements

  • Identify, propose, develop and implement Biosecurity third party arrangements
  • Provide documented processes, training, Assurance, and Validation to meet biosecurity auditable processes

Biosecurity Approved Premises

  • Assist Approved premises with upgraded premise requirements
  • Work with Approved Premises in attaining third party Biosecurity Function arrangements
  • Assist new approved premises to attain approval

Export Commodity

  • Lodge Request for Permit (RFP) Applications


  • Provide the import and export industry with the compliance required to meet the assurances expected by DAWR
  • Consult with DAWR on Biosecurity matters

Biosecurity Training and Assessment

  • Design and delivery of tailored Biosecurity training packages to allow businesses to meet Biosecurity assurance and compliance

Import Permits

  • Biosecurity Import permit application and lodgement

Import Commodity Research and Analysis

  • Catalogue Analysis
  • Commodity Biosecurity risk identification
  • Consult with the Dept of Agriculture in the rectification of Biosecurity Profile inconsistency

Illegal Logging

  • Assistance with Risk Assessment documentation
  • Provide consistent governance documentation

Contact our expert quarantine consultants today to discuss your Biosecurity facilitation requirements, and ensure your goods are allowed to enter or leave Australia.

